Monday, April 9, 2007


Historians have recorded their migration to Trihotrapur, the modern Tirhut division of Bihar, where they spread Aryan culture amongst the common people. Further references to this community are to be found in the Bhagavata Purana, the Bhavishyottara Purana and in the Bhlya Parva in Mahabharata. They inhibited many parts of Punjab, Kashmir, Sind, Rajputana and also Saurashtra.

Their further migration from Bihar to Gomantak is recorded in the "Sahyadri Khand" of Skanda Purana (uttarardha 1-47/48). The Saraswats settled themselves in two western provinces of Goa, 66 settlements of 10 Gothras, called ‘Sasasti’ (the present Salcete) and 30 settlements called ‘Tiswadi’, now known as Illaha de Goa. As a result they came to be known later as Shannavikars or settlers in 96 village which name, in common parlance, became Shannavatis and ultimately Shenvis as they are still called in Maharashtra.

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